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RAS in the technical publication SteelLife

Interesting interview of our CEO Willy Stahl in SteelLife

Interesting interview of our CEO Willy Stahl in the Italian trade publication SteelLife about the cooperation between RAS and the Italian [...]


RAS employee anniversary

Today we were able to celebrate this year's eight employee anniversaries.

Today we celebrated this year's employee anniversary. Managing Director Willy Stahl thanked the eight jubilarians on behalf of the entire RAS [...]


Exhibition EuroBLECH 2022

RAS innovations at EuroBLECH: Let us inspire you!

In addition to many new machine innovations, the topic of digitization is one of the most important aspects in every customer meeting. RAS shows the [...]


Schwenkbiegen großflächiger Blechteile

Erfolgsgeschichte über eine RAS XLTbend bei Fa. Daldrop+Huber

Die Zeitschrift blechnet berichtet in einem lesenswertem Artikel über den Einsatz einer RAS XLTbend mit UpDown-Biegetechnologie bei Fa. Daldrop + [...]


Wir machen Zukunft

Sonderbeilage der Sindelfinger Zeitung

RAS Reinhardt Maschinenbau ist weltweit einer der führenden Hersteller von Blechbearbeitungsmaschinen. Die breite Palette von Schwenkbiegemaschinen [...]


RAS expands management

RAS expands its management team and prepares the company for the future.

RAS expands its management team. The CEOs Willy and Rainer Stahl have appointed Mr. Matthias Huber to the management board as of April 1, 2022. This [...]


RAS TechDays April 2022

Visit the RAS TechDays from Tue 26. April to Thur 26. April 2022

At the RAS TechDays from Tue 26.04. to Thu 28.04.2022 in Sindelfingen you will experience all about the latest trends in metal folding, cutting, [...]


Over 7000 YouTube subscribers

Thank you for over 7000 subscribers on our YouTube channel

You are great! Currently, more than 400 videos on our YouTube channel show the variety of RAS machines and their applications.


Season Greetings

We wish you healthy, happy and peaceful Season Holidays and a successful start to 2022.

We wish you healthy, happy and peaceful Season Holidays and a successful start to 2022. During the holidays, our company will be closed from December [...]


Ron Pegg

This weekend we celebrated a retirement party for Ron Pegg

This weekend we celebrated a retirement party for Ron Pegg. Ron had been on board with RAS Systems since its incorporation and had been CEO of the [...]


Bendex OpenEditor for TURBO2plus

Baumetall magazine reports about the Bendex OpenEditor software for the RAS TURBO2plus metal folding machines

RAS extends the Bendex control software on the TURBO2plus metal folding machines with the OpenEditor. With this alternative to the Bendex graphics [...]


Flyer Pivatic-RAS

Punching-Bending lines

We have completed a flyer that shows the capabilites and benefits of different Punching and Bending Line configurations.


RAS Tutorials

Communicate bending technology in a simple and clear way

In der neuen Kategorie "Tutorials" veröffentlicht RAS in regelmäßigen Abständen eine Serie von Kurzvideos rund ums Schwenkbiegen. Ziel ist es, diese [...]


Punching-Bending Line: Pivatic-RAS

A punching-bending line from Pivatic-RAS brings together throughput speed, efficiency and product design flexibility.

A punching-bending line from Pivatic-RAS brings together throughput speed and product design flexibility. Unlike classic punching machines, the [...]


Automated metal folding at the top level

RAS provides a brief insight into the state of the art in automated sheet metal bending

RAS Reinhardt Maschinenbau is one of the world's leading manufacturers of sheet metal working machines. The wide range of metal folding machines [...]


Willy Stahl sen. verstorben

Seniorchef und langjähriger Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter

Mit großer Trauer müssen wir leider mitteilen, dass unser Seniorchef und langjähriger Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter verstorben ist. Er hinterlässt eine große Lücke in unseren Herzen.


Merry Christmas and a healthy start in 2021

In this Corona time, we will have company holidays from Dec 23, 2020 to Jan 6, 2021.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful and healthy start in 2021. In this Corona time, we will have company holidays from Dec 23, 2020 to Jan [...]


Automatisches Biegezentrum steigert Produktionskapazität

Honebein kann Blech!

Und zwar seit über 90 Jahren. Das Schwenkbiegezentrum RAS-Multibend-Center ist mit seiner automatischen Roboterbeladung der Platinen und der [...]