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New distribution partner in Italy


With Zinetti Technologies, we have a new trading partner in Italy who will take over the distribution of our products and the coordination of all service and application technology inquiries with immediate effect.

The most important things at a glance:

  1. Zinetti Technologies is your central point of contact for all matters relating to sales, service and application technology for all RAS machines.

  2. Our experienced  "RAS-Italy Team" works directly from the Zinetti Technologies premises and ensures optimum technical support, service and application technology.

“The combination of a strong sales partner with our dedicated RAS team in Italy guarantees short distances, fast solutions, and the high quality our customers know and expect,” said Matthias Huber, CEO.

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Alpemac srl for many years of excellent cooperation.


Your contact partners:

Contact for new machines: 

Nicolò Zinetti
Email:  nicolo[@]
Direct: +39 0376 1572190
Phone: +39 342 7181134

Maurizio Zinetti
Email:  maurizio[@]
Direct: +39 0376 1572188
Phone: +39 335 219331

Main office RAS sales department @ Zinetti:
Email:  ras[@]
Direct +39 0376 1572175


Contact Service Central office
Email:  ras.service[@]
Direct: +39 0376 1572180

Francesco Mellone
Email:  MEF[@]
Direct: +39 0376 1572181
Phone: +39 331 6600173

Contact application technology: 

Massimiliano Mantovani
Email: mma[@]
Direct: +39 0376 1572184
Phone: +39 392 7856583